08 May 2013

Anonymous ke Stadium Kelana Jaya

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

TEAM Anonymous sudah mula bertindak dan sebagai permulaan mereka akan memenuhi Stadium Kelana Jaya pada malam ini (Rabu) pada jam 8.30 malam. Kepada semua yang ingin menyertai mereka, pakai Guy Fawkes mask dan baju hitam. Menang cara tipu --> TEKAN.

Transcript Video:
Greetings citizen of Malaysia, we are anonymous. We are surprised to seen foreigners voting in the 13th General Election. To the Prime Minister, we have warn you to explain your doings but you continually claim to be innocent.

And thru many video and photo evidences we have seen, some of the Malaysian police not capturing the foreigners which have receive the identification card for Malaysian Citizen for them to be able to vote in this 13th General Election. Instead the citizen are
the one's who capture the foreigners. When the people hand
over the dubious voter to the policeman, some of them did not take action, instead some of the police escorted the dubious voter to the polling station which we believe for them to vote for Barisan National. Is this what Barisan National call 1 Malaysia?

Is this what the Prime Minister vision of clean and fair election?

Your government has failed you, and they started to play a racist issue in the mainstream media.
Lets stand together this 8th May at Stadium Kelana Jaya, on 8.30 pm ,with Mr. Anwar Ibrahim to show to the current Government of Malaysia our unity ,and our solidarity

To the Government of Malaysia, this is a friendly assembly to show our protest against, the SPR General Election result. We do not want a fight. we are only telling the truth and expressing our concern towards this country.

To the protester please bring your Guy Fawkes mask or cover your face because there maybe officials who will follow you home. Remember to wear black t-shirt as a sign of protest against the election fraud caused by the some of the SPR officer.

Do not cause violence because this is a friendly assembly, not a riot, thus, if there are any provocation happen, ignore it.

Remember! People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people

We are Anonymous, We are Legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget. Expect Us.

19 orang komen:

Fazlina Ridzwan said...


Shakirah said...

wah menarik2

iameunicegm said...

you have my support.

Cik Nor said...


Faeytynn Zayn said...

menakutkan la tengok topeng tu...

Anonymous said...

macam jahat je bunyi... tapi kalau untuk sedarkan kerajaan malaysia why not kan....

Asmaroni Abd Rahman said...

kami sokong dari jauh ja, nak pi sana jauh la pulak ... kami tolak politik kotor be end

Arikal Razali said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Jom join segmen ni http://sigadisoptimis.blogspot.com/2013/05/mega-giveaway-by-adam-faiz.html .
Terdapat lbh kurang 60 hadiah menarik untk d menangi...

Dzafirah Zain said...

Fuyoo.. jom turunn... :D

eyka said...

Ni blog Apit ke? awatnya gelap jaaa aihh...

Sukma said...


adarain said...

menakutkan tp terbaeeekkk wooo..

D i n said...

We are Anonymous, We are Legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget. Expect Us.

505 blackout :D

Cik Fie said...

terbaeeek :)

Keri said...

:) cool

Unknown said...

nice bro.....

Anonymous said...

Aq ragu2 sikit r ngn video ni..
Sbb org putih yg ckp seolah2 nk mnyibuk n mmburukkn lagi malaysia...
Pe yg wat ragu2 ngn vid ni sbb dy ttup muka n knape dy ckp org ptih..?
Even bhs inggeris dy bagus pon xkn sebutan ba pun jd be...mcm org x prnah duduk malaysia..
Aq x taw r kalo it ni tlbih canggih ke pe...n aq yg ktinggalan..